Kids Tournament

Regularly, I organize chess tournaments for my students, because I am convinced that confronting others is the best way to become a good player.

For motivation

Practicing your favorite sport with other chess enthusiasts is very motivating for children.

To improve your game

It is recognized that practice in a healthy competition environment is the key to success in a discipline. We suggest 10% theory for 90% practice. There are a lot of players in a tournament. Playing against different players is important.

To develop a sense of competition

In sport as in all things, we advance better when we have a goal. Preparing for a competition, winning, overcoming worries, improving your performance will give you confidence as well as energy to face the other daily challenges.

To learn sports ethics

Chess is a noble sport. In a tournament, we learn without realizing the rules of good sporting behavior and fair play!

It is recognized that young people who experience competitive sport have better academic results because they became more disciplined, more determined and persevering!